// var SEP_AND = new String('|&|'); var SEP_IGUAL = new String('|=|'); var DIR_FIX = new String('../../'); function ltrim(str){ return str.replace(/^(\s+)/g, ''); } function rtrim(str){ return str.replace(/(\s+)$/g, ''); } function trim(str){ return ltrim(rtrim(str)); } function $(i){ return document.getElementById(i); } var Navegador = function(){ this.esIE = false;// Internet Explorer this.esIE6 = false; this.esIE7 = false; this.esIE8 = false; this.esFf = false;// Mozilla this.esOp = false;// Opera this.esNs = false;// Netscape if(window.navigator.userAgent.search(RegExp("MSIE","im"))!=-1){ this.esIE = true; if(window.navigator.userAgent.search(RegExp("MSIE 8","im"))!=-1) this.esIE8 = true; else if(window.navigator.userAgent.search(RegExp("MSIE 7","im"))!=-1) this.esIE7 = true; else if(window.navigator.userAgent.search(RegExp("MSIE 6","im"))!=-1) this.esIE6 = true; } else if(window.navigator.userAgent.search(RegExp("Firefox","im"))!=-1) this.esFf = true; else if(window.navigator.userAgent.search(RegExp("Opera","im"))!=-1) this.esOp = true; else if(window.navigator.userAgent.search(RegExp("Safari","im"))!=-1) this.esSa = true; else if(window.navigator.userAgent.search(RegExp("Netscape","im"))!=-1) this.esNs = true; }; var Nav = new Navegador(); Function.prototype.closure = function(obj){ // Init object storage. if (!window.__objs){ window.__objs = []; window.__funs = []; } // For symmetry and clarity. var fun = this; // Make sure the object has an id and is stored in the object store. var objId = obj.__objId; if (!objId) __objs[objId = obj.__objId = __objs.length] = obj; // Make sure the function has an id and is stored in the function store. var funId = fun.__funId; if (!funId) __funs[funId = fun.__funId = __funs.length] = fun; // Init closure storage. if (!obj.__closures) obj.__closures = []; // See if we previously created a closure for this object/function pair. var closure = obj.__closures[funId]; if (closure) return closure; // Clear references to keep them out of the closure scope. obj = null; fun = null; // Create the closure, store in cache and return result. var o = __objs[objId].__closures[funId] = function (){ if(!!__funs[funId] && !!__objs[objId]) return __funs[funId].apply(__objs[objId], arguments); else return false; }; o.__funId = funId; return o; }; var EliminarClosures = function(o){ var i = 0; if(o){ if(o.__objId){ for(i in o.__closures){ delete(window.__funs[i]); delete(o.__closures[i]); } delete(window.__objs[o.__objId]); /*delete(o.__closures); delete(o.__objId);*/ o.__closures = null; o.__objId = null; } } i = null; } var LimpiarClosures = function(){ if(!!Nav && !Nav.esIE) window.addEventListener('unload', LimpiarClosures, false); else window.detachEvent("onunload",LimpiarClosures); if(window.__objs){ for(i in window.__objs) EliminarClosures(window.__objs[i]); } window.__objs = []; window.__funs = []; }; var Limpiar = function(){ if(!!Nav && !Nav.esIE) window.addEventListener('unload', LimpiarClosures, false); else window.attachEvent("onunload", LimpiarClosures); }(); document.LimpiarClosures = LimpiarClosures; function AddEvent(o, e, f){ if(Nav.esIE) o.attachEvent('on'+e, f); else o.addEventListener(e, f, ((Nav.esOp)? false : true)); }; function RemEvent(o, e, f){ if(Nav.esIE) o.detachEvent('on'+e, f); else o.removeEventListener(e, f, ((Nav.esOp)? false : true)); }; function FireEvent(o, e){ var evt = null; if(Nav.esIE) o.fireEvent('on'+e); else{ if(e=='click' || e=='dblclick' || e=='mousedown' || e=='mousemove' || e=='mouseout' || e=='mouseover' || e=='mouseup'){ evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent(e, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); } else if(e=='keydown' || e == 'keypress' || e == 'keyup'){ evt = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent"); evt.initKeyEvent(e, true, true, null, false, false, false, false, 9, 0); } else{ evt = document.createEvent("Event"); evt.initEvent(e, true, false); } o.dispatchEvent(evt); } } function StopEvent(e){ if(Nav.esIE){ e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; } else{ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } } // JavaScript Document Request = function(oListener, metodo){ this.pedido = new crearXHR(); this.reportar = true; this.respuestaXML = null; this.respuestaHTML = null; this.archivo = null; this.valores = null; this.listener = oListener; // this.onError = null; this.onRetry = null; this.retrys = 0; this.curRetry = 0; if(!metodo) this.metodo = 'POST'; else this.metodo = metodo; } Request.prototype.pedir = function(a, v, m, r){ //inicializamos if(!!a) this.archivo = a; if(!!v) this.valores = v; if(!!m) this.metodo = m; if(!r) this.curRetry = 0; // this.respuestaXML = null; this.respuestaHTML = null; // this.cancelar(this.pedido); // this.pedido.onreadystatechange = this.procesar.closure(this); // this.pedido.open(this.metodo, this.archivo, true); // if(this.valores){ this.valores = this.valores.puntualChars(); this.pedido.send(this.valores); } else this.pedido.send(); } Request.prototype.procesar = function(){ var termino = false; if(this.pedido && this.pedido.readyState == 4){ var stat = this.pedido.status; if((stat >= 200 && stat < 300) || stat == 304 || stat == 1223){ if(this.pedido.responseXML) this.respuestaXML = this.pedido.responseXML.documentElement; this.respuestaHTML = this.pedido.responseText; this.cancelar(); if(this.listener && this.listener.onRequestLoad) this.listener.onRequestLoad(); else if(typeof(this.listener)=='function'){ this.listener(); } } else if(this.curRetry < this.retrys){ this.curRetry++; this.pedir(false, false, false, true); if(typeof(this.onRetry) == 'function'){ this.onRetry(); } } else{ if(this.reportar){ ERROR.reportar("Error en clase Request."+ "\nESTADO: "+this.pedido.status+" "+this.pedido.statusText+ "\nARCHIVO: "+this.archivo+ "\nMETODO: "+this.metodo); } if(this.onError && (typeof(this.onError) == 'function' || typeof(this.onError) == 'object')){ this.onError(); } this.cancelar(); } } } Request.prototype.cancelar = function(){ cancelarPedido(this.pedido); } // String.prototype.puntualChars = function(){ var chrs = new Array({'chr':'€', 'ent':'€'}), i, str = this.toString(); for(i = 0; i < chrs.length; i++){ str = str.replace(chrs[i]['chr'], chrs[i]['ent']); } return str; } String.prototype.unPuntualChars = function(){ var chrs = new Array({'chr':'€', 'ent':'€'}), i, str = this.toString(); for(i = 0; i < chrs.length; i++){ str = str.replace(chrs[i]['ent'], chrs[i]['chr']); } return str; } /* FUNCION DE CREACION DE XMLHttpRequest */ crearXHR = function(){ var r = null if (window.XMLHttpRequest) r = new XMLHttpRequest() else if(window.ActiveXObject) { var msp = new Array('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP') for(var i = 0; i < msp.length; i++){ try { r = new ActiveXObject(msp[i]) } catch (e){} } } return r } /* FUNCION DE DETENCION DE XMLHttpRequest */ cancelarPedido = function(reqXHR){ if(reqXHR!=null){ reqXHR.onreadystatechange=new Function()//una funcion vacia... reqXHR.abort() } } // ReportarError = function(f, m){ this.archivo = (!!f)? f:'xmlHttpRequest/reportarError.php'; this.metodo = (!!m)? m:'POST'; this.req = new Request(); this.req.reportar = false; this.alerta = true; this.reportar = function(msj){ var msg = "Ha ocurrido un error.\nLos administradores del sistema ya han sido notificados del mismo."+ "\nSi el error continua pongase en contacto con los mismos."; alert(msj); this.req.pedir(this.archivo, msj, this.metodo); if(this.alerta){ if(LayError){ LayLoader.showed = Blocker.showed = 1; LayLoader.hide(); Blocker.hide(); LayError.message = msg; LayError.onAcept = function(){ LayError.hide(); Blocker.hide(); }; LayError.onCancel = function(){ LayLoader.hide(); Blocker.hide(); }; Blocker.show(); LayError.show(); } else{ alert(msg); } } return false; }; } ERROR = new ReportarError(); // fCookie = function(){ this.init(); } var p = fCookie.prototype; p.path = DIR_ROOT; p.init = function(){ } p.set = function(n, v){ var d = new Date(); d.setHours(d.getHours() + 1); //d.setSeconds(d.getSeconds() + 3); var t = d.toGMTString(); document.cookie = n + '=' + escape(v) + '; expires=' + t + '; path=' + DIR_ROOT + ';'; } p.unset = function(n){ document.cookie = n + '=; expires=Fri, 21 Dec 1976 04:31:24 GMT; path=' + DIR_ROOT + ';'; } p.get = function(n){ var iIni = 0, iEnd = 0, ret = ''; if (document.cookie.length > 0){ var iIni = document.cookie.indexOf(n + '='); if (iIni != -1){ iIni = iIni + n.length + 1; iEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";", iIni); if(iEnd == -1) iEnd = document.cookie.length; ret = unescape(document.cookie.substring(iIni, iEnd)); } } return ret; } var Cookie = new fCookie(); //Javascript function ZoomElement(){ //Config var iZoomEleDelay = 4;//mlsgs var iZoomEleFrames = 10;//px var fZoomEleMove = strongEaseInOut;//function // var iZoomEleW = 0; var iZoomEleH = 0; var iZoomEleY = 0; var iZoomEleX = 0; var bZoomEleOn = false; var bZoomEleAnim = false; var eZoomEleFrom = null; var eZoomEleTo = null; var fZoomEleInEnd = null; var fZoomEleOutEnd = null; var fZoomEleAnim = null; var iIniW, iChangeW, iIniH, iChangeH, iIniX, iChangeX, iIniY, iChangeY, iCurFrame, sMode; var zoomElementInit = function(){ if(!window.innerWidth){//IE iZoomEleW = document.documentElement.clientWidth; iZoomEleH = document.documentElement.clientHeight; iZoomEleY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; iZoomEleX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } else{ iZoomEleW = window.innerWidth; iZoomEleH = window.innerHeight; iZoomEleY = window.pageYOffset; iZoomEleX = window.pageXOffset; } } this.zoomElement = function(eFrom, eTo, fOnInEnd, fOnOutEnd, fOnAmin, bNoStart){ eZoomEleFrom = eFrom; eZoomEleTo = eTo; fZoomEleInEnd = fOnInEnd; fZoomEleOutEnd = fOnOutEnd; fZoomEleAnim = fOnAmin; zoomElementInit(); if(!bNoStart){ zoomElementIn(); } } var zoomElementIn = function(){ iIniW = eZoomEleFrom.offsetWidth; iIniH = eZoomEleFrom.offsetHeight; var iEndW = eZoomEleTo.offsetWidth; var iEndH = eZoomEleTo.offsetHeight; var oPos = getElementPos(eZoomEleFrom); iIniX = oPos.x; iIniY = oPos.y; if(bZoomEleAnim != true){ eZoomEleTo.style.overflow = 'hidden'; eZoomEleTo.style.height = iIniH + 'px'; eZoomEleTo.style.width = iIniW + 'px'; eZoomEleTo.style.top = iIniY + 'px'; eZoomEleTo.style.left = iIniX + 'px'; setOpacity(0, eZoomEleTo); eZoomEleTo.style.visibility = 'visible'; iChangeX = (((iZoomEleW / 2) - (iEndW / 2) - iIniX) + iZoomEleX); iChangeY = (((iZoomEleH / 2) - (iEndH / 2) - iIniY) + iZoomEleY); iChangeW = (iEndW - iIniW); iChangeH = (iEndH - iIniH); iCurFrame = 0; sMode = 'in'; setTimeout(zoomElementAnim, iZoomEleDelay); bZoomEleAnim = true; oPos = null; } } this.zoomElementOut = function(){ if(bZoomEleAnim != true){ eZoomEleTo.style.overflow = 'hidden'; iIniW = eZoomEleTo.offsetWidth; eZoomEleTo.__width = iIniW; iIniH = eZoomEleTo.offsetHeight; var iEndW = eZoomEleFrom.offsetWidth; var iEndH = eZoomEleFrom.offsetHeight; iIniX = parseInt(eZoomEleTo.style.left); iIniY = parseInt(eZoomEleTo.style.top); var oPos = getElementPos(eZoomEleFrom); iChangeX = oPos.x - iIniX; iChangeY = oPos.y - iIniY; iChangeW = eZoomEleFrom.offsetWidth - iIniW; iChangeH = eZoomEleFrom.offsetHeight - iIniH; iCurFrame = 0; sMode = 'out'; setTimeout(zoomElementAnim, iZoomEleDelay); bZoomEleAnim = true; } } var zoomElementAnim = function(){ if(iCurFrame == (iZoomEleFrames + 1)){ bZoomEleAnim = false; if(sMode == 'in'){ zoomElementInEnd(); } else{ zoomElementOutEnd(); } } else{ var w = fZoomEleMove(iCurFrame, iIniW, iChangeW, iZoomEleFrames); var h = fZoomEleMove(iCurFrame, iIniH, iChangeH, iZoomEleFrames); var x = fZoomEleMove(iCurFrame, iIniX, iChangeX, iZoomEleFrames); var y = fZoomEleMove(iCurFrame, iIniY, iChangeY, iZoomEleFrames); var i = (sMode == 'in')? (100 / iZoomEleFrames) * iCurFrame : (100 / iZoomEleFrames) * (iZoomEleFrames - iCurFrame); eZoomEleTo.style.left = x + 'px'; eZoomEleTo.style.top = y + 'px'; eZoomEleTo.style.width = w + 'px'; eZoomEleTo.style.height = h + 'px'; setOpacity(i, eZoomEleTo); iCurFrame++; setTimeout(zoomElementAnim, iZoomEleDelay); } if(fZoomEleAnim){ fZoomEleAnim(iCurFrame, sMode); } }.closure(this); var zoomElementInEnd = function(){ bZoomEleOn = true; eZoomEleTo.style.height = 'auto'; if(fZoomEleInEnd){ fZoomEleInEnd(); } } var zoomElementOutEnd = function(){ bZoomEleOn = false; eZoomEleTo.style.visibility = 'hidden'; eZoomEleTo.style.top = '-1000px'; eZoomEleTo.style.left = '0'; eZoomEleTo.style.overflow = 'auto'; eZoomEleTo.style.height = 'auto'; eZoomEleTo.style.width = eZoomEleTo.__width + 'px'; if(fZoomEleOutEnd){ fZoomEleOutEnd(); } } } // JavaScript Document var Exito = new function(){ // this.show = function(msj){ $('msjExito').innerHTML = msj; var l = $('capaExito'); l.style.top = (((HScreen() - l.offsetHeight) / 2) + YPos()) + 'px'; l.style.left = (((WScreen() - l.offsetWidth) / 2) + XPos()) + 'px'; l.style.visibility = 'visible'; try{ $('aceptarExito').focus(); }catch(e){ ; } AddEvent(document, 'keypress', escape); AddEvent($('aceptarExito'), 'click', accept); AddEvent($('cerrarExito'), 'click', accept); } this.hide = function(){ RemEvent(document, 'keypress', escape); RemEvent($('aceptarExito'), 'click', accept); RemEvent($('cerrarExito'), 'click', accept); var l = $('capaExito'); l.style.visibility = 'hidden'; l.style.top = '-1000px'; } this.onAccept = null; var accept = function(e){ if(!!e){ StopEvent(e); } this.hide(); if(!!this.onAccept){ this.onAccept(); } }.closure(this); var escape = function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 27){ accept(); } }.closure(this); // } // JavaScript Document var Error = new function(){ // this.show = function(msj){ $('msjError').innerHTML = msj; var l = $('capaError'); l.style.top = (((HScreen() - l.offsetHeight) / 2) + YPos()) + 'px'; l.style.left = (((WScreen() - l.offsetWidth) / 2) + XPos()) + 'px'; l.style.visibility = 'visible'; try{ $('aceptarError').focus(); }catch(e){ ; } AddEvent(document, 'keypress', escape); AddEvent($('aceptarError'), 'click', accept); AddEvent($('cerrarError'), 'click', accept); } this.hide = function(){ RemEvent(document, 'keypress', escape); RemEvent($('aceptarError'), 'click', accept); RemEvent($('cerrarError'), 'click', accept); var l = $('capaError'); l.style.visibility = 'hidden'; l.style.top = '-1000px'; } this.onAccept = null; var accept = function(e){ if(!!e){ StopEvent(e); } this.hide(); if(!!this.onAccept){ this.onAccept(); } }.closure(this); var escape = function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 27){ accept(); } }.closure(this); // } // JavaScript Document function layer(nombre, archivo){ var capa = $('lay' + nombre); var fondo = $('bg' + nombre); var error = $('error' + nombre); var seccion = 0; var arrVars = new Array(); var enviando = false; var errores = 0; var aCampos = new Array(); var aValidar = new Array(); var aLimpiar = new Array(); var req = new Request(); var animando = false; var elemento = false; var zoomEle = null; this.onSuccess = null; this.onError = null; this.onClose = null; // req.listener = function(){ var d = req.respuestaXML; block(false); if(!d){ alert(req.respuestaHTML); } else if(d.getAttribute('exito') == 'si'){ RemEvent(document, 'keypress', this.escape); block(true); if(!this.onSuccess){ capa.style.zIndex = 9; Exito.onAccept = onAcceptSuccess; Exito.show(d.firstChild.data); } else{ this.onSuccess(); } } else{ RemEvent(document, 'keypress', this.escape); block(true); if(!this.onError){ capa.style.zIndex = 9; Error.onAccept = onAcceptError; Error.show(d.firstChild.data); } else{ this.onError(); } } }.closure(this); var onAcceptSuccess = function(){ capa.style.zIndex = 10; clean(); block(false); this.close(); }.closure(this); var onAcceptError = function(){ AddEvent(document, 'keypress', this.escape); block(false); capa.style.zIndex = 10; }.closure(this); var center = function(){ // if(!!fondo){ fondo.style.height = ((HBody() > HScreen())? HBody():HScreen()) + 'px'; fondo.style.width = ((WBody() > WScreen())? WScreen():WBody()) + 'px'; } // capa.style.top = (((HScreen() - capa.offsetHeight) / 2) + YPos()) + 'px'; capa.style.left = (((WScreen() - capa.offsetWidth) / 2) + XPos()) + 'px'; }.closure(this); this.escape = function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 27){ this.close(); } }.closure(this); this.enter = function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 13){ this.send(); } }.closure(this); this.open = function(ele, vars, event){ if(!!event){ StopEvent(event); } if(!!animando){ return false; } animando = true; // elemento = ele; arrVars = vars; //seccion = sec; animIn(); } this.close = function(event){ if(!!event){ StopEvent(event); } if(!!animando){ return false; } animando = true; RemEvent(window, 'scroll', center); RemEvent(window, 'resize', center); RemEvent(document, 'keypress', this.escape); clearTimeout(animBgInt); animBgFrame = 0; animBgMode = 'out'; animBgInt = setTimeout(animBg, animBgRetardo); }.closure(this); this.addField = function(campo, nombre, expresion, clear){ var o = {'c':campo, 'n':nombre}; // aCampos.push(o); if(expresion){ campo.expresion = expresion; campo.inputError = inputError; campo.onblur = funcVal.closure(campo); // aValidar.push(aCampos.length - 1); } if(clear){ aLimpiar.push(aCampos.length - 1); } } this.setBackground = function(oEle){ fondo = oEle; } var clean = function(){ var i = null; // for(i in aLimpiar){ aCampos[aLimpiar[i]]['c'].value = ''; } for(i in aCampos){ inputError(aCampos[i]['c'], false); } errores = 0; showError(); } this.send = function(event){ var v = '', i = null; if(!!event){ StopEvent(event); } // if(enviando){ return false; } else if(validate()){ return false; } // block(true); // //v += 'seccion' + SEP_IGUAL + seccion + SEP_AND; if(arrVars){ v += arrVars['nombreIndiceEnvio'] + SEP_IGUAL + arrVars['indiceEnvio'] + SEP_AND; } for(i in aCampos){ v += aCampos[i]['n'] + SEP_IGUAL + trim(aCampos[i]['c'].value) + SEP_AND; } // req.pedir(DIR_ROOT + 'requests/' + archivo + '.php', v); }.closure(this); var inputError = function(c, b){ errores += (b)? 1:0; c.className = (b)? 'inputError':''; }.closure(this); var showError = function(){ error.style.display = (errores > 0)? 'block':'none'; } var funcVal = function(){ this.value = trim(this.value); if(this.value.search(this.expresion) == 0){ this.inputError(this, false); } else{ this.inputError(this, true); } } var validate = function(){ var i = null; // errores = 0; for(i in aValidar){ aCampos[aValidar[i]]['c'].onblur(); } showError(); return (errores > 0); } var block = function(b){ var i = null; // enviando = b; for(i in aCampos){ aCampos[i]['c'].disabled = b; } } //Aminacion var animBgInt = 0; var animBgRetardo = 1; var animBgFrames = 5; var animBgFrame = 0; var animBgMode = ''; var animIn = function(){ center(); if(!!fondo){ setOpacity(0, fondo); fondo.style.display = 'block'; } iZoomEleDelay = 1; if(!zoomEle){ zoomEle = new ZoomElement(); } zoomEle.zoomElement(elemento, capa, animInEnd, animOutEnd, false); } var animOut = function(){ zoomEle.zoomElement(elemento, capa, animInEnd, animOutEnd, false, true); zoomEle.zoomElementOut(); } var animInEnd = function(){ center(); // try{ aCampos[0]['c'].focus(); }catch(e){} AddEvent(window, 'scroll', center); AddEvent(window, 'resize', center); AddEvent(document, 'keypress', this.escape); clearTimeout(animBgInt); animBgFrame = (!!fondo)? 0 : animBgFrames + 1; animBgMode = 'in'; animBgInt = setTimeout(animBg, animBgRetardo); }.closure(this); var animOutEnd = function(){ if(!!fondo){ fondo.style.display = 'none'; } if(!!this.onClose){ this.onClose(); } }.closure(this); var animBg = function(){ if(animBgFrame == animBgFrames + 1){ animando = false; if(animBgMode == 'in'){ ; } else{ animOut(); } } else{ var i = (animBgMode == 'in')? (60 / animBgFrames) * animBgFrame : (60 / animBgFrames) * (animBgFrames - animBgFrame); if(!!fondo){ setOpacity(i, fondo); } animBgFrame++; animBgInt = setTimeout(animBg, animBgRetardo); } }.closure(this); } var DIR_ROOT = '/'; var ER_STR = /^([^ \t\n\r]([ \t\n\r]|[^ \t\n\r])*[^ \t\n\r])+$|^[^ \t\n\r]$/ig; var ER_ALFA_NUM = /^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9]$/ig; var ER_EMAIL = /^[a-z0-9_\.\-]+@[a-z0-9_\-]+(\.[a-z0-9_\-]{2,20})*\.[a-z]{2,4}$/ig; var HR = 'HR'; ///// var aSolActs = new Object; function cambiarSolapa(id, pos, on, off, event){ if(!!aSolActs[id]){ aSolActs[id]['tit'].className = off; aSolActs[id]['con'].style.display = 'none'; } aSolActs[id] = new Object; aSolActs[id]['tit'] = $('titSolDeCont'+id+'Pos'+pos); aSolActs[id]['tit'].className = on; aSolActs[id]['con'] = $('conSolDeCont'+id+'Pos'+pos); aSolActs[id]['con'].style.display = 'block'; if(event) StopEvent(event); } // function writeInElement(elem, tld, name, acc, inner){ elem['href'] = 'mailto:' + acc + '@' + name + '.' + tld; if(inner){ elem['innerHTML'] = acc + '@' + name + '.' + tld; } } // function getElementPos(ele){ var p = ele.style.position; ele.style.position = 'relative'; var x = ele.offsetLeft; var y = ele.offsetTop; ele.style.position = p; while(ele.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body'){ ele = ele.parentNode; if(ele.style.position == 'absolute'){ x += ele.offsetLeft; y += ele.offsetTop; } } return {'x':x, 'y':y}; } function setOpacity(opa, ele){ if(!window.innerWidth){ ele.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity='+opa+')'; } else{ ele.style.opacity = (opa / 100); } } function strongEaseInOut(t,b,c,d){ if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t*t + b; return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t*t*t + 2) + b; } function WScreen(){ return (Nav.esIE)? document.documentElement.clientWidth : window.innerWidth; } function HScreen(){ return (Nav.esIE)? document.documentElement.clientHeight : window.innerHeight; } function YPos(){ return (Nav.esIE)? document.documentElement.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset; } function XPos(){ return (Nav.esIE)? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : window.pageXOffset; } function HBody(){ return document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } function WBody(){ return document.documentElement.scrollWidth; } var setBusqueda = function(url,e){ //Cookie.unset('clavePrivada'); Cookie.set('clavePrivada', $('clavePrivada').value); document.location = url; if(e)StopEvent(e); } var analizarEnterBuscar = function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 13){ FireEvent($('btnBuscar'),'click'); StopEvent(e); } }